Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Months!!!! Can you believe it?

I have a PET/CT scheduled for next week.  Then the week after that I will get the results and we will see where the last 10 MONTH OF CANCER TREATMENT have gotten me.  

10 Months!!!! Can you believe it?  

Here is where it all began.  Well, really it began back in June 2006 when I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Stage IIIB and an original tumor greater than 10cm and 18/24 lymph nodes involved.  I powered through A/C chemo followed by Taxol, perception, Arimadex, Aromasin and nearly 5 years as a survivor.  I had survived a mostly broken marriage, divorce, moved across America and even a period of unemployment during our recent economic crisis that plagues many.  I had put a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction behind me.  After all that, I believed I would be taking on the world, or at least Disney World.

Instead, last October, nearly 1 year ago, I failed a blood test and ended up in Cancer-Detention.  (lol, I think that is a good name for a repeat cancer patient.  Maybe it should be Remedial-Cancer)  Now, each month I get a re-test.  Some months I pass, some months I fail - like this month when I had to start a new treatment plan because of my bad score.

I really have been able to continue on, at least on the outside, as always.    However, at home it can be a different story.  I spend many weekends sleeping or resting the entire time.  I have struggled with joint and bone pain that makes me want to cry or scream.  And, today, with rain storms brewing I had some moderate discomfort.

BUT, I haven't missed a day of work, besides surgery one day to have a port placed, because of my cancer.  I haven't missed one soccer game or swim meet because of cancer.  I have been truly blessed to fight with power, even when I am weak.

I have been so blessed.  I try to always see the things I have and the power I am given to do so much, because I believe it is your attitude that governs you satisfaction with life.

Be positive, be beautiful
Love, Kel 

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