Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bone Scans and CTs

As we wrap up another 3 treatment cycles (or 4 cycles in this case) I have gone through the next battery of internal photography. I used to take PET/CT scans, but about 6 months ago the insurance determined I wasn't very sick anymore and therefore should get less expensive testing.  They are right - but I hate being told what to do.
So, I had my CT and bone scan before today's visit.  I have come to a point where waiting on these test results don't leave me too anxious, but there is always something.  As I posted on Facebook, I was 99% sure everything was going to come back fine.  I save that 1% to protect my heart just incase.
The bone scan seemed good.  There were a couple of suspecious spots on my left knee - this could be
from anything - trauma or something like that.
The CT scan showed a couple of lymphnode concerns.  One that had increased from 8mm to 9mm and another that went from 8mm to 13mm.  Dr J and I agreed that with my blood counts where they are there isn't anything to be worried about, but rather they have to tell us something in radiology or we will stop buying their expensive tests.
So - I am getting an x-ray of my knee today on the way out (it sounds like a fast errand, but we know it won't be fast) and we will continue with Halaven (the chemo I started several months ago) and just keep an eye on everything. 
I am going to move forward with faith - believing this is just a small storm before the calm.  A few new spots, some worries and challenges - then I will pound this cancer for good. 

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