Thursday, July 31, 2014

Waiting makes me stir crazy

It's treatment day! And I have one Cheon complaint. The number of hours it takes and the number of times I have to move from chair to chair. I hate inefficiency and the whole afternoon is a long series of work-arounds. 
I arrive and sign that I am here. I sit in the waiting room. They call me back to the registration desk so I can pay to be here. I sit in the waiting room. They call me back for lab work. I sit in the first chair - the vitals chair. I get up to get weighted. I sit in the vitals chair and they get my BP and temp. I wait. I move to the second chair- this is the chair were they access my port- much like a centr line. I wait. After sitting in chair 2 I walk back to the doxtors area and go to that triage room. Check-in. Move to the doctors consult room. WAIT. Meet with said doctor. Wait for lab results. Sit in an all-together new chair for chemo. Wait on labs some more. Then wait for the pre meds to be mixed. Get the IV started. When that finishes I wait for them to stop the beeping machine. Get chemo. Turn the IV back on for a flush. Wait for the nurse to remover the port access. Go to the check out deal and wAit to schedule the next appointment. 
Finally I am paying for 4 hours of parking to cover 10 minutes with the dr. 30 minutes of IVs and 10 minutes of chemo.  

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