Thursday, November 24, 2011

Working Mom or SAH Mom

Initial Disclaimer:  I am not suggesting that Mom's at home don't work, I am just using this convenient phrase.

Before my first child was born I lamented about the possibility of returning to work after maternity leave.  I was sure that if I had to go back to work I would die of a broken heart.  After 9 months of struggling every waking and sleeping moment I decided to quit my job in healthcare insurance and be a SAH mom.
It was bliss.  The house was neurotically clean and I embraced homemaking, sewing, and being part of a circle of SAH moms.

But, before my second child came along my ex-husband had been fired from his job and I was working again to support our family as our marriage was well into its phase of dying.  From this point on I worked or attended school continuously with few breaks of SAH mom-hood.

But here I am, Thanksgiving morning.  We are being totally lazy here at our house and I am realizing that if you are a SAH mom you don't get paid holidays.  Working Mom's get this change of pace day that allows them to live their SAH dream for a snippet of time.  If I were a SAH mom this morning would have been the same as any other morning.  I would be in the daily routine without much thought.  The kids would expect the same as every day.

As a working mom, we have been talking about our 4 day weekend coming up for weeks.  Mornings when the kids just couldn't stand getting up another day and going to school I reminded them of the number of days until we could all stay home and relax.

SAHD (Stay-at-home-days)  in our house are truly a holiday.  Some of my friends use these days to work as a short-order cook and make anything each kid wants for breakfast.  Others cram all the activities and crafts they can't do because they work.  Chez moi, it is a "do what you feel like" thing.  The girls know I may or may not sleep in, and lucky for me they are old enough to take care of themselves either way.  They know I may suggest an outing, may sit and watch movies, lay in bed and talk, or get up and clean the house.

I would love to be the supper mom who doesn't have to have a paying job too.  I would volunteer at the school, run PTA boards and activities, sew, craft, decorate, and so much more.  I would have clean vents, ceiling fans, and walls.  My kids would be a little smothered, but they are too young to mind.

But, I am a supper mom who gets paid to spend 10 hrs commuting to and working towards the objectives of an organization. My work gives me a break from house keeping, sometimes I appreciate that, sometimes I miss the days of clean organization.

And, I like being trained to treat today like a holiday.  I am not in my regular routine.  I hope you SAH moms out there make today your holiday too.  Whether you cook, clean, lounge, or scout out Black-Friday sales today is a holiday!  Enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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