Monday, July 21, 2014

It's graph time.  I haven't posted one of these in a long time.
So, if you are new to my blog - I when I have a drop in my CA27.29 I like to chart it. (find out what CA27.29 means here and my reason for charting here

I love seeing the line slope down and to the right.  I am also a very visual person.  I can get through a spreadsheet pretty well, but I would still rather get top-level information in a graphic. 

Unfortunately today's graph does not look like I thought it would. Yes, we do have a pretty good trend going here. But, I flat-lined this month, see that little straight tail on the end?  I thought for sure I would drop that tumor marker again and be so close to 0. 

What does this mean?
Not anything bad.  I didn't spike like back in Feb 2012.  But, it may be that I have built up a resistance to this chemo. My tumor marker is very telling.  When it stops dropping then a switch in chemo is on the near horizon.

Dr. J has been wanting to go back to Xeloda. (read about how this worked before here or get scientific about it with clinical info here) The up side of this is that I already have a bottle full of Xeloda right here at home, so if we go back to this I can start poppin' pills, no waiting for approval from insurance or going to the pharmacy.  And taking a pill means not going to the oncologist every week for an IV. Also, even though I didn't feel very good on this medicine, it was working great.  Maybe it will help me knock out cancer.

I am also working on my yellow rice recipe.  Turmeric (the yellow of yellow rice) & ginger are thought to help fight cancer.  Once this week it turned out great.  The second time I made it strong because if a little is good a little more is better, right?  I ate it because I wanted it to kill the cancer, but it didn't taste good.  Since I ate that over seasoned rice I know I can manage Xeloda.

I have to keep my head in the game and enjoy every day, because being here with my three wild angels is what I want most in the world. 

I really have a pretty awesome life. My babies are the most amazing people.  They are so sweet and good.  I have a rockstar family - we live far apart but I know they care and are praying for me. And, everywhere I go I am surrounded by friends and people who care. 
It was hard for me to tell the people at work about my cancer, but when I was going to loose my hair it was time.  They have been AMAZING! I love going to church because those people are like family. Every week I know there are people who will come and find me to ask how I am doing and so many hugs.  And, I have friends all around the world who stay in touch and cheer me on - thank you Facebook.

How did I get so lucky? How can so many people love me?  I am just an average girl but I have it so good.

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