Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hi AM! Plus; Don't... over spilled milk.

First... a shout out to AM, an awesome cancer warrior!  And this great little clip.  May millions of moms be spared having a daughter with cancer.

Second... the story of spilled milk. (reader beware - this is 90% therapeutic complaining via blog)

I was zipping through the streets of motherhood - picking up a child from an evening youth church activity and a call came through on my phone.  It was a sweet little daughter, the one I instructed to take the new gallon of milk I just brought home and put it in the fridge.

"Uh, mom?" "Yes" "Uh, hi.  Uh, I kind 'a broke the milk."  The storyteller goes on to explain about 1/3 of the milk was no longer in the jug  - the broken jug.  And, BUMMER, it didn't spill on the kitchen floor, but rather into the carpet.

I don't know if I have prevented the threat of having a home that smells like rotten milk.  I used vinegar and the wet/dry vac to clean up as much as I could.  Does vinegar counteract the enzymatic stench of milk?  Are there any chemists out there?  Or expert stain extractors?  What should I do?

But, like every moment in life, there are blessings to be found if we just look the right way...
The good things...
1. Victory for me - I was one cool cat when I learned the milk broke.  No freaking out, yelling, blaming, or grumbling.  After all, no use screaming over spilled milk.
2. Hey, we have milk - not everyone has the convenience of buying milk any time they want from the grocery store of their choice.
3. The sweet daughter jumped in and helped with the clean up - before I got home and also when I gave more directions at home.
4. After using the wet/dry vac to clean the milk I had to wash it out, so I cleaned that out.
5. All of this inspired getting the dishwasher running and another load of laundry.

Seriously, if anyone knows how to keep from having the smell of rotten milk become the dominate smell in my house, please leave a comment!

Love, Kel


AnneMarie said...

You rock my world, Kel... xoxoxox

JaNae said...

Hoping that a cure comes sooner rather than later for all the mothers & daughters out there.
Way to go keeping your cool when you found out the milk spilled. :)

tccomments2013 said...

dear kel,

great life lessons passed on in this post. your sweet daughter saw her mom turn spilled milk into a chance to let her know you love her much more than being flipped out about the clean - up. and you get the take-away of being proud of yourself and putting stuff into perspective. and yes, i do think the vinegar will do the trick.

xoxoxoxo, karen