Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Winning with hot flashes

Hot flashes and night sweat cause by hormone fluctuation can be such a great thing, especially when they wake you up 2-3 hours after going to bed. By then you have had a refreshing nap and you can really take advantage of the nocturnal interruption.
Here are some great thing I got out of them tonight.
1. I woke just before midnight, so I was awake to notice the passing of my last day as a 36 year old. I was the first person to wish me an "on date" happy birthday.
2. I watched a movie.
3. I gathered the trash and cleaned off the table and counters. Hoarders might not film at my house this week.
4. Upon waking and wringing out my night shirt I say, "yes! I will be a pound lighter on the scale in the morning with this stupid water-weight out of me."
5. I had time to think about how awesome my kids are. I thought about each one and why I live to be their mom.
6. I thought about my awesome brother, I just love him. It's kinda tough, because he is 14 years younger; I had a lot of years when I could take him out of his crib and rock him when I wanted to let him know I love him. Now he is across the country, or stationed across the world in a war zone sometimes. I can't find a way to replace rocking the baby brother by sending letters, texts, videos and FB posts. I love you man!!!
7. I thought about all my sisters. I really have been so blessed. If I didn't keep getting in this tango (or tangle) with cancer I would probably never have been in a position to see their love for me in such special circumstances. I thought about a sis who rents a lot of space in my head- I thought about how precious she is to the family, to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I thought of how much G and G J love her and a neat role they got to play in her life.
8. I thought about Mom and Dad. I already have tears clouding my sight, so to keep it simple, I stand amazed at their love as parents. I am so grateful that they are alive. I am still just their little girl in some ways and I can't do it all alone yet. I have thought about the 10+ more years I have had with my dad than he got with his dad. My G&G M died pretty young.
9. I thought clearly about the fact I have been really mean to me lately. Ignoring ear, sinus and respiratory infections with a bronchitis bonus because I am trying to do too much. Again- thinking this through might have freed me to cope better and now hoarders isn't filming at my house this week.
10. I am now back in bed, ceiling fan rollin around and I am telling the world that night sweats and hot flashes ROCK!!!

Maybe I can sweat off another pound before the alarm goes off because I don't go to the gym and I ate mini robins eggs while cleaning the counter.

Love, Kel

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