Sunday, September 23, 2012

Do you really need help?

Years ago a dear friend of mine was in a car accident. Luckily everyone was ok. Well, nothing was life threatening, but B had injured her wrists. Every day she looked normal, her life marched on with only a short hiccup. But, because of the wrist pain she could not use her hands. She couldn't pick up her kids (but she could "hug" them if they hung on her arms), no cooking.
Lots of people helped out with cooking and driving her. Someone started questioning her need for help. On the outside everything appeared fine but she had no use of her hands/ wrists.
I have been so fortunate to not endure such questioning. We have been blessed with such thoughtful friends who offer help and love.
Thanks so much to everyone who has been willing to bring dinners so I could reserve energy to maintain my full time job, for garage cleaning, and on and on.
I had treatment this week, which also means I got my latest blood work. My tumor markers have come down another 10 points. It is a small drop but a drop that means I can use the current regimen and hold off on chemo still.
So, following treatment I have the nightmarish headaches, my bones and joints are in a lot of pain. Even each bone in my foot. I walk like a 99 year old woman. Doesn't that sound attractive? I promise, it is!!!
But, for the most part I appear totally normal.


JaNae said...

Wish we were closer so I could be there to help out, even if you don't look like you need it. Still sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!

BreeAnne said...

Oh gosh, Mikkel, you about made me cry. I wish I could be there to help you whether you looked like you needed it or not. I had the most awesome evening with you--it just makes my heart hurt that I am so far away.