Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fighting to get well

I have been sick since shortly after my trip to Las Vegas for CES. WOW! That is an eye opening experience. 
I don't know if I caught a bug on the airplane, just got worn down, or it was a combination of all these things.  I have spent as much of the weekend in bed as I could. What a boring life. 
Thusday I was supposed to have chemo, but when they tested my blood I failed.  My white counts were to low - showing neutropenia, a lack of certain white blood cell.  I was treated with Neupogen, a drug that stimulates the growth of white blood cells to help fight an infection.
I feel terrible.  I am depending on the kids to keep things running and to handle housework for now.  Luck for them, I feel too terrible to care much.

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