Sunday, August 11, 2013

Take 2

Well, last weeks attempt to start chemo was a flop!  I did get started, but the problems were double.
First, like most other times, they prescribed too much chemo for my tolerance level.  Second, I think I caught a flu bug that had been kicking around in my parents immune systems.  Sadly, I spend days home SICK!!!  It was heartbreaking to struggle through the week.  I am trying so hard to be mentally in the right zone for chemo and healing.  I also tried to focus on the key tricks to chemo, like hydration and eating enough fortifying food to keep going. 
I have had a couple days to get back on my feet now so I have to get back to the routine.  I am having a tough time getting psyched up again though, I can't imagine getting sick again and what I would do if I had to miss work again.  The stress of calling in sick is another strain on the immune system and the ability to recover.  There is no such thing as a work load that keeps pace with cancer.  If I am wrong, please let me know!
I would be happy to have your prayers and faith this week.

1 comment:

JaNae said...

Talk about adding insult to injury. Hang in there!