Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Attention Malfunction Blog Non-Posting

I came here tonight with plans to write an inspired blog post, but I have some serious issues with my attention span and clicked across the entire web-world.  I have nothing exciting or enlightening to share.
So- I am doing well.  Dr visit planned for next week.  I don't event try to determine what I think the update will be.  I used to really focus on my feelings and try to come in touch with divine inspiration and anticipate what the news will be.  I am taking a break from all that and just living with cancer right now.
A huge thanks to the many many angels who have done so much for us lately.  We have been fed, pampered, prayed for, and checked on.  Thank you!  The healing is in the love of friends and family.
Love Ya,


AnneMarie said...

Do you know how many times I am scrambling around at about 11PM to write... Why? Because I click and that leads to another click and so on and so on....

Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you're in the habit of accepting gifts from strangers, but I'd like to send you an pre-release copy of the "Pink Christmas" CD. Your post sounds a little down, and hopefully we can bring you some comfort. I've been making this offer to the various blogs I read, and I hope you'll accept. We've got 11 of the 16 songs finished, and I'm sending it out this year to friends and family as a sampler. You can view the artwork at: http://Kunaki.com/Sales.asp?PID=PX00HQI69Y but the audio won't be up until we finish the project in Feb 2013 for next year's release.

Thanks, Geoff