Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cancer Treatment and Family Time

Tomorrow is another visit to the Oncologist.  I will find out how my blood markers fared last month and have blood drawn to test how it is doing now.  If everything is like it has been, I will also get a shot of Xgeva (read about my experience with Xgeva here) and will continue taking Afinitor and Aromaisin.  So, I imagine I will be a little achey and my bones will scream- which I claim is a sign the medicine is changing the weak chemical structure of my bones.
I have to do everything I can this week to get my body comfortable and to feel my best, because on Saturday we want to go to the State Fair.
It is strange, living life with cancer.  We are all trying to accomplish the same things.  We want success in our professional life and balance that against the more important family life.  But, when you are living with cancer you are just juggling those things against different pressures.  While many are stocking away retirement and investment funds cancer patients are chipping away at the medical bills.  We are all still trying to provide our family with great opportunities to laugh and play together- things we hope they will look back on one day and remember how much they were loved. 
What about you?  How are you making family memories in spite of the stress of everyday life?

1 comment:

JaNae said...

Hoping your markers look fabulous and you are able to attend the state fair as planned!